📃Submitting & Editing An Index Page

The Interchain Index serves as an inclusive Web3-centric wiki that facilitates unrestricted contribution. Here, anyone is empowered to add new content or modify existing entries without the need for account registration or login.

Content organization within the platform is streamlined into two primary classifications: categories and ecosystems, ensuring intuitive navigation and accessibility for all users.

To submit a new index page, please follow these steps:

  • Before proceeding, please conduct a thorough search on our website to verify that a page addressing the topic or project of your interest doesn't already exist. If it does, feel free to edit it further if needed! More info found below.

  • If you determine a new page does need to be submitted for a given project, team, individual, or topic, please head here, https://interchaininfo.zone/cms/indexes.

  • Fill in as much information as possible for your new page, refer to Suggested Index Information for best practices.

  • When done, click "Add Index" on the right, floating sidebar

  • Wait for ICI to review and approve you submission/edit.

    • Teams that get their page verified can bypass this and update their page(s) directly and instantly at any time.

To edit an existing index page, please follow these steps:

Just like Wikipedia, anyone can edit any Index page at any time. Help support your favorite projects and communities by ensuring they're accurately represented on Interchain Info!

  • First, find the index page you want to edit

  • Make changes as necessary

  • Click "Submit Changes" on the right, floating sidebar

    • Take note of the preview on the sidebar, to ensure that your excerpt fits, and that everything looks the way you like before submitting.

To verify or feature an Index page, please get in touch with the ICI team via contact@interchaininfo.zone. Read more here, Premium Services

Last updated