🔤Categories & Sub-Categories Taxonomy

A high level overview of all categories and sub-categories currently supported in our Index.

For suggestions on new or changes to existing categories, please reach out to us on X or shoot us an email at info@interchaininfo.zone

*Note, while the following is in alphabetical order, on our live site the categories Blockchain and DeFi are listed first and are given the spotlight, seeing as they're the two largest categories by far.

  • AI

  • Bitcoin

  • Blockchain

    • Appchains

    • Ecosystems

  • Bridges

    • Trusted/Custodial

    • Trustless

  • Core Tech Stack

  • Creators & Educators

    • Content Creators

    • Education Tools

  • DAOs & Multisigs

    • Public DAOs

    • Tooling & Platforms

  • DeFi

    • DEXs

    • Launchpads & Fundraising

    • Lending & Borrowing

    • Liquid Staking

    • Stablecoins

    • Synthetics

    • Yield Optimization

  • Events

  • Gaming

  • MemeCoins

  • Misc.

  • NFTs

    • Collections

    • Marketplaces

    • Tooling & Analytics

  • On/Off Ramps

    • Centralized Exchanges

    • Direct On/Off Ramps

  • Organizations

    • Community Groups

    • Teams & Businesses

  • People

  • Privacy

  • Real World Services

    • Cloud Services

    • Commerce

    • Eco-Focused (ReFi)

    • Social & Identity

  • Tools & Infrastructure

    • Block Explorers

    • Cloud Compute & Storage

    • Indexers

    • Oracles

  • Validators

  • Wallets

Last updated